
Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Just popping in to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to anyone who may be still reading!  :)  I know I've dropped off the face of the blogosphere, but ya know, kinda busy around here.  :)

I haven't given up on the ole blog just yet.  So if you haven't given up on me, hang in there with me.

BUT, in the mean time...please enjoy the sweetest, most creative video Landon's 2nd grade class put together telling the Christmas Story.  All these children are so precious and they did such a great job celebrating the meaning of the season!  I think a couple of them could have a future in acting!! :)


And while were here...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  


  1. Hi! you haven't lost me...I still check all the time! Ha! Great to "hear" from you and hope you are doing well!!!

  2. This is absolutely adorable!!!!

  3. I am here too!!! Come back soon! I need Lindsay life updates!!

  4. I'm still here as well!

  5. I'm still a faithful blog reader! I just ran into your SIL last week at Walgreen's and told her how much I love your blog. And that video just made me CRY! Nothing better than seeing sweet baby faces praising JESUS our KING! You are so blessed to be able to send them to a school that allows that. Have a great new year and remember to look us up if you are ever back in God's Country! (AKA Oxford) :)

  6. I'm still here too...I understand though, why blogging might be a little low on the priority list right now! ;)


If you don't have anything nice to say, then, please don't say anything at all! THANKS!