
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

21 Days

Every year our church does a 21 days of prayer and fasting - giving the Lord the first of the year.  Refocusing and getting our priorities in the correct order.  There are many types of fasts: water only, juice fasts, the Daniel Fast, fasting a certain meal or electronics/social media.

Well, in the past I've typically fasted sweets or tv.  But this year, I decided to challenge myself phyically and spiritually by doing the Daniel Fast.  Basically, it's ONLY water, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.  Sounds easy right.  Well, try detoxing from refined sugar and white flour.  YIKES!

The first week wasn't hard for me.  I started easing into the fast several days before.  Kinda revving myself up for it.  Then going full force the first week of the fast.  It wasn't so hard.  I had lots of ideas and recipes to try.

Well, fast forward to day 8, 9, 10, and it's HARD.  I'm tired, my head hurts, and all I want is anything I'm not supposed to have.  But I'm denying my flesh and feeding my spirit!

Things I've LIKED (so far) about the fast:

1. Getting up EARLY and participating online with 6:00 am prayer.  For an hour I listen to praise music (ALONE!) and listen to the prayer service, do my online one year bible devotion and pray over my family.

2. Learning new eating habits.  I've caught myself trying to snack while cooking or eating off the kids plates after they're done eating.  Trying new foods and combinations of foods.

3. Having more fresh fruits and veggies readily available.  Since I have so much fresh produce sitting out, it seems the kids grab that before asking for chips or cookies!

4. The not bread thing is kinda nice.  You definitely feel less bloated/puffy feeling.

5. Hopefully retraining my taste buds.  I've gotten kinda hooked on the natural almond/peanut butter that you get a Whole Foods - you know, the kind they grind in front of you!?  Well, after a week, it actually tastes a little sweet to me.  Especially added to fruit.  Well, I smelled yes JUST smelled some regular Skippy peanut butter.  DISGUSTING.  I felt like I could smell all the chemicals!  I can't wait until the fast is over and try the honey roasted peanut butter and chocolate chip peanut butter from Whole Foods!!  I hope this happens with more food.  That I can appreciate the true flavors of food!!

What I Miss - or Don't Like:

1.  The lack of protein.  I miss EGGS!  And lean chicken breast!  I mean, I get protein from millet, or nuts, or soy beans, but I think the first breakfast I will have once this is over is a egg with salsa in a whole grain wrap!  YUM!  I think that will hold me over a lot more in the morning.

2.  I miss coffee creamer.  I'm not totally going off caffeine because I don't plan on quitting it.  :)  I have a small cup of BLACK coffee in the morning to avoid headaches.  And after 11 days, I think it's actually starting to taste GOOD.  weird!  But I can't wait to put my creamer back in.

3.  Sweets.  While I haven't had a hard time not indulging (b/c typically I'll eat a banana with some almond butter and it's practically dessert!) I do miss a piece of chocolate or cookie.  Or ice cream!

4.  Wine/Margarita?  YUP!  While it has been a good thing to say no to a nice glass of wine in the evenings, I look forward to a night out with the hubs and sharing some over a nice meal. 

My favorite meals so far is one off Pinterest.

Click on pic to get recipe.

I used millet and instead of red pepper, I added corn.  This is a wonderful meal to eat - fasting or not!!

Right now I have a pot of veggies (black eyed peas, lima beans, celery, carrots, zuchinni, yellow squash, onion) that I have added a can of tomato paste to.  I may or may not add some millet.  We'll see.

I also made some homemade butternut squash soup!  SOO GOOD!  And so good for you!!

Do you participate in anything like this with your church? 


  1. I'm right there with you! I've been doing the Daniel fast as well, didn't do nuts though! I kept the coffee in the mornings too :) #21daysofprayer

  2. Same thing here - I'm so going to miss 6am prayer on line - for some reason I'm so much more motivated to get out of bed - praying this habit continues. We've made lots of soups too - roasted red pepper and carrot puréed - yummy! We've been doing lots of fruit and veggie smoothies with just water - I think they will remain staples for us - such an easy way to get our greens in :) I'm ready for a margarita too :) but loving this time and what the Lord is doing in me. Oh - and as much as the food fast has been somewhat difficult I think the tv fast has produced the most fruit!

  3. LOVE this post! So helpful and you are the 2nd person that has brought this to my attention today, so I know that the Lord is telling me something. Thank you for sharing~You are such a wonderful Christian example as a wife and Mother! Thank YOU!

  4. Hello! I have never commented on your blog before, but I am a friend of Joy J. from Auburn. I love reading post about your adorable kids and family! I too have done the Daniel fast and found it very challenging to axe the dairy, but it certainly led me to a different way of thinking and praying AND obedience! It is truly a test of faith in Him. Will you please share your butternut squash soup recipe?

  5. I found you blog from The Barron Family...You have such a beautiful life! I love the fasting, our church is a non-denominational and very relaxed so they probably would not take on something like this, but this sounds like a good idea for my hubby and I to do on our own to reidentify with our faith and love for God. Thank you for posting this! PS i think we have the same last name?? cheers!
    here is my blog...


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