
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Little WakeBoarders

Before we headed to the lake last Friday, Robert calls me and tells me he found a youth wake board on clearance.  And he bought it.  The kids were excited and talked a big game.  But I thought for sure they'd back out once we were on the lake.  BUT NO!!!   Landon hopped right in FIRST (which is huge) and gave it 100% effort!!  I don't think I can emphasize how big a deal this is.  This is the child that would not even get in the water 2 summers ago at the lake.  Maybe even last summer.  He's the child that we had to FORCE on the tube because we knew he would like it.  Then we couldn't get him off.

Anyway, I was a super proud mama!  Even though he couldn't stay up very long, he definitely could get up very easily.  He's SIX years old for crying out loud.  Do you know many 6 year olds that try and wake board???  It was so stinkin' cute watching them back there.  I really enjoy pulling Robert and the kids behind the boat. 

I'm sure by the time he's 8 he'll be giving me a heart attack trying tricks back there. 

Robert would stay in the water with him for some runs.  But he actually had his best run when he started out by himself. 

Olivia popped right up as well.  She's been skiing for a couple summers, so she has a little more experience behind the boat and knowing how to balance.

Saturday evening, our neighbor came over with his super cool wake boarding boat.  He was SO nice to pull Olivia and Landon.

Olivia was very good at taking instruction.

So cute out there!

By the end of the weekend, she was learning how to move around a little bit back there.  You pull the handle toward your hips to move.  She even got a little wild and did it one handed for a bit!!!

Here is Olivia in her best run that we caught on tape.  Then a little commentary from one of our friends.  :-)

1 comment:

If you don't have anything nice to say, then, please don't say anything at all! THANKS!