Since I recently received a new copy of my boating license, I was more eager to stay behind the wheel of the boat tubing and wake boarding everyone! Makes it just a wee bit difficult to take pics. I can multitask pretty good...but not THAT good.
I just hopes she posts the ones I took (on her camera) of her skiing. ;-)
But here are ours!
We had a very fun weekend with the kids...mostly out on the water trying to stay cool!!!!!!!
Took FOUR steps by himself this weekend!!!!
Getting better at driving the boat. (He's actually doing the online course as I type this!) ;-)
The funniest 23 month old I know!
Landon was actually VERY mad at this point because he got thrown off the tube. He got over it pretty quick.
Tubing with cousin Trey!!!
Refused to look at the camera. But I was patient.
Caught just one eye! And I'm pretty sure he was smiling... :-)
We pulled up to a place on the lake called Chimney Rock. It's a hangout of sorts and everyone anchors down and watches other people jump off cliffs. Crazy...I know. I may or may not have ventured off and jumped the high cliff at one time in my wild teenage years. ;-)
So we floated and jumped off the tubes and such. I think the kids really loved it!
And that's all I got! But like I said, check out Abby's blog and I'm sure she has a lot of fun ones!!!
cute! we had so much fun =) i had to give a shoutout to my better half on the blog this morning, but i am working on the pics and will probably do a 2 post day! or possibly post it tomorrow morning... we definitely need to do it again sometime!!!