Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Great Pea Debacle Continued

So the pea was still in her nose today. And daddy doc so kindly and gently removed it! I had not removed as much as I thought. Thank goodness for fathers with long shiny instruments. We are now pea free!!

You can actually SEE the pea! See how much was left!!!!


  1. Poor thing! She'll probably never eat another pea!
    At least she looked cute with her pink boots on!

  2. poor baby!Daddy Doc came to save the day!

  3. WOW!!! When I was little I stuck a thumb tack up my nose! Oh the stories my mom still tells about that one!

  4. bless her heart...i almost felt guilty giggling.

  5. oooohhhhh bless her heart!!! at least 'daddy doc' was there to save the day!! and i'm giggling almost as hard at the thought of leisha w/ a thumbtack in her nose as i am of sweet little lillian:)

  6. I'm glad she's okay now! We have a friend's whose little girl relative (I think cousin) had horrible breath and everybody in the family couldn't figure out why. Then our friend lifted her up in the air to make her laugh and saw a pea stuck up her nose! All that time her bad breath had been caused by a pea! lol

  7. Poor little thing! Glad y'all are pea-free now!


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