
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmastime Skype (added video)

My cousin and her husband are over in China for a year doing some AWESOME things over there. Can't wait to hear all about it since they can't really discuss it over any type of communication effort....if ya know what I ;-)

But we miss them so much and can't wait for them to get back to the US!!!

Since it'll be the first Christmas without seeing them at all, we decided to try and Skype with them during our family's Christmas dinner.

It's a thirteen hour difference so around 7:00 p.m. we tried to contact them.

I tweeted to my cousin that we were trying to skype and gave them my brother's Skype i.d. And within 30 minutes, SHE RESPONDED!!!

We connected and got to chat with them, got a tour of their apartment and even got to introduce Rhodes...well, she's seen pics but we held him up in front of the computer! haha

Keith (her husband) and I pulled out our cameras and took some pics!! At least they will be in some of our Christmas family pics!!

You can see Lacey, Walton, and I in the bottom left-hand corner! :-)

They had just gotten out of bed....GOOD MORNING!!! ;-) And we were about to eat dinner.

Rachel blogged about it HERE and put our pic up! We almost got everyone in. Rhodes' head just barely missed the shot!!! But he was in my arms!

How cool is that!!! Technology is incredible!!!!!

Miss y'all Rachel and Keith!!!

Video of our conversation!!! ;-) Nothing like a bunch of first time skypers!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! I love reading your blog, just don't get to comment much:) Hope you guys have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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