Time to practice what I preach around here. Which meant I had to crack down on Rhodes (and myself) and get some routine going on. So I started Rhodes on my own version of baby bootcamp - courtesy of
Babywise. You see, I've
always recommended this book for new moms. It worked miracles in my first 2 children. I strayed off the book for Lillian - and it shows. But it was time to jump back on the bandwagon I rave about so much.
So I pulled out my book the other day and reread it. And it spoke to me entirely differently than when I read it with Olivia!! So weird. But I'm sure it had to do with the experience in babies that I have under my belt now. 4th times the charm, huh.
As I re-read it I just kept thinking this makes SO much sense. Why am I killing myself over here trying to "wing it" and all I have to do is put a little effort in on my part and get things going a little smoother - if that's possible with 4 kids.
My biggest mistake I was making was not feeding Rhodes enough during the day. I would go 4 sometimes 5 hours in between feedings! Yikes - that's not good for a 9 week old. So we stepped it up to
at the most 3 hours in between feedings during the day - until we get stabilized. And what would you know, he slept through the night (considered 7.5-8.5 hours) TWO nights in a row!!! I
am a new woman! :-) His fussiness also decreased I might add.
Also, the way I'm helping to "force" (and I use that lightly) my routine/schedule is to WAKE UP THE SLEEPING BABY!!! Any way you have to - strip them down, wash them off...just get them awake! You see, the cycle should be FEED/WAKE/SLEEP....FEED/WAKE/SLEEP...etc. Then you slowly drop feedings and combine sleep and wake times until you have two consistent (then one) naps a day. This being done over the course of probably 18 months or so! It's called Parent Directed Feeding - and I (flexibly) watch the clock in order to FOR ME to decide when it's time to eat again. Crying is the last sign of hunger.
Then (hopefully) after a couple of weeks, Rhodes' little internal clock will start syncing with what I'm been working on and we will be on our way to a HAPPY and healthy little boy!
I know schedules, attachment parenting, etc are touchy subjects in the mommy world but I believe routine and (flexible) schedules build security for kids. Kids like predictability and they also NEED sleep!! Tired children are cranky children which makes for a chaotic, unhealthy household.
This is not a hyper-scheduling book. You will not starve your baby of food or attention by using the techniques this book talks about. What you will do is bring some predictability to you life and your family's daily life. And you will get your SLEEP!!! Can I hear an AMEN!!
Also, yes, I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule out there. I don't know why. But with each of my children - with each different temperaments, these techniques have worked. Well, Rhodes' is still up in the air, but I'm going to give it my all. But one day, HE WILL be on the 1:00-3:00 nap/rest time like the others! That's just part of being a McClellan!!!