Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Walketh, Standeth, Sitteth

Aren't you glad we don't talk like that anymore?!?

Here is a clip of Olivia's latest recitation - Psalm 1. I can distinctly remember learning this as a child - I can even picture the room we learned it in with my dad! Thank goodness he spared us the King James version!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

6 Weeks

This week marks Rhodes' 6th week of life. Though it kinda seems like he's been around a lot longer. Weird huh. I guess it's that I'm finally "getting to know him". You spend a few weeks figuring out which positions they like, what signs they give before they throw up or pee during diaper changing - you know, the important stuff.

He's still a really great baby. All babies have their moments though - but this time around, I'm not afraid to lay him on my bed, shut the door, and let him cry it out for a while. As my friend said the other day, "It's not going to scar him for life!" haha

I don't know how much he weighs but if I had to guess I'd say in the 10 lb range. We go to the doctor next week - so I'll let you know.

I still can't decide who he looks like. Most people are saying Lillian. I guess I just see how different each of my individual children look and therefore don't think he looks like anyone but Robert. I still think he's a miniature version - just with blue eyes.

The other kids are doing great. Landon is still my biggest concern. We "moved" Landon out to school and brought the new baby home. I'm wondering if he's internalizing that more than we think.

Lillian is by far the cutest with him. She loves to "pet" him, and mimics all the baby talk that we do to him and she says it much funnier. She wrote on him the other day. And herself. They both had ball point pen on their foreheads. Sad thing is, I don't think he fussed when she did it! Tough baby.

Nights are a hit or miss around here. Last night he did the best he's ever done. Last feeding being around 8:00 and didn't get back up until 2:30 to eat. Then started stirring again around 6:30. Though not every night is like that unfortunately.

I've actually managed to go quite a few places with all 4 of them. It still makes me really nervous though and I'm not a fan of it but it's manageable right now - especially when Rhodes is in the sling. I stick to low key places like Target, the library, or the park. Unfortunately, at the park there isn't too much chatting as much as there is counting. :-)

All in all, I'm enjoying the number of kids we have right now. Though I can't say for sure that we're completely done having kids, let's just say there won't be anymore for a while. My body needs a break!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well hello friends! Whew...what a crazy past 6 weeks it's been. It's been 6 weeks full of adjusting and learning how to manage the new size of our family. How I meet needs of everyone has shifted and my time is 100% consumed. Yes, I actually had "down time" before Rhodes was born. But I think I'm finally figuring out how to account for 4 little bodies running around, a wonderful and helpful husband - and on top of that, decently caring for my home.

But on a high note....we are also starting to get a few smiles out of Rhodes every once in a while - though he refuses to do it for his own MOTHER!! But boy I can't wait until he does. Because for 9 months I carried this little man and now my body is working overtime to nourish him....so it sure would be nice to get some confirmation that a he's happy little fellow and loves his mommy.

He's looking at Robert in this picture! Go figure. (btw - loving the dimples he inherited from his daddy) :-)

We did finally get to sneak away from home for the weekend. We went to the lake for a couple of days and it was SO nice to get out of the house. I really needed a change of scenery. I love my house and all, but I've felt a little house ridden - even though we're on the go quite a bit.

Not to mention on this trip I was going to have 5 adults per 4 kids....which is a much better ratio than the 1:4 ratio that I have going on most days 'round here.

At the lake we enjoyed the nice FRESH air! It was cool - a nice change in my opinion. We did a lot of "Going on a Bear Hunt" walks...and playing outdoors!

Rhodes did a lot of sitting in the bouncer. But he was a trooper and did great all weekend.

Robert thinks it's so funny that he'll suck on anything - whether it's Robert's knuckles...or his nose. :-)

We carved pumpkins on Saturday!

Checking out the insides...she's not so sure about all those seeds.

Daddy with a knife...WATCH OUT!

But Landon with a knife....hide yourself and your children!

They turned out GREAT!!

The kids also caught a baby snake. And totally weren't scared of it. Anybody know what kind it is?? And no, we didn't bring it home...though they wanted to SOO badly.

We even tailgated at the Auburn game this weekend and got to visit with my brother! Nothing like hanging out at a fraternity house to make you feel old.

And there's also nothing like a drunk guy asking you if you have a dog on your chest and making a fool of himself. Seriously...does it look I have a dog on me?

Anyway, we survived our first family trip. It was fun and we didn't forget anyone or anything!! Though I think traveling will only get harder the older Rhodes gets. :-)

One more pic of that little man...I love this picture. And I love him! "Are you lookin' at me?"