
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To Speak or Not to Speak

This particular setting has happened a couple of times before. It's such a funny thing. And I haven't completely figured out how to handle the situation.

Let me explain.

We were at the park yesterday. It was BEAUTIFUL! The kids are running around soaking up some vitamin D, I'm chatting with friends. It's perfect.

Then this precious little boy comes toddling across my line of view. He SO cute...and looks SO familiar. Wait a I know him?.....yep.......I stalk his momma's blog.

So I don't personally know this girl. I actually had no idea she lived in Birmingham. But we apparently know some mutual people.

I decided to NOT speak this time. Because I have run up to a girl before at the gym saying, "I'm not a stalker, I promise, but I recognize you from your blog...etc, etc, etc!" And I don't know, I guess I couldn't figure out if was good idea or not.

But this is the thing. I'd be willing to bet that she's at least come across my blog once....or even more. I know that we're both linked on at least one blog together. And you know, you're bound to click eventually. So she could have totally been having the same reaction. "These kids are SO familiar!!" etc

So what do you do? Run up to "strangers" and announce you read their blog and introduce yourself? Keep to yourself and leave them alone? Leave a comment on their blog after the fact? I don't know what the appropriate blog-to-public etiquette is or even should be! Emily Post better get on it and add a chapter in her book called Internet Etiquette. 'Cause I need some tips!

What would you do?


  1. oh definitely say something.. introduce yourself. I think that's the fun of blogging: you meet new people and sometimes you see them in real life! ha!

  2. I would totally play dumb. Go for the "you look so familiar, are you on facebook or have a blog or something??!" You could even throw in a few more questions to add to the confusion, maybe our kids go to the same school, do you have a home church...ha.

  3. Um...I spoke up and admitted to being a "stalker" once...the girl was rather rude and obviously in too much of a hurry to even listen...not to mention my husband and I had actually eaten dinner with her several years earlier and I have several connections to her family...which I tried to briefly explain...but she could have cared less. I still read her blog, but I feel a little different about her now. Whatever you decide to do...I hope you have a better experience than I did. And if I had it to do over, I'd still introduce myself.

  4. Ha ha, I actually had that thought with you. I was shopping at the Galleria months ago when I heard "Landon, stop that" (or something like that) and I saw it was you. Being painfully shy, I of course didn't introduce myself even though we went to high school together! I'm working on that but for shy people, progress is slow and hard. Maybe next time I'll get the courage to say "hi."

  5. So funny, I've wondered the same thing. I don't live in Birmingham at all, but I read blogs from a couple of people that live there. AND I do visit family there a couple of times a year, so if I ran into one of them I can't say whether I'd introduce myself or not, but it would be hard not to if the situation were convenient. I think/hope that the people I read/follow are the good friendly kind that would enjoy meeting briefly and vice versa. So, if you ever have a woman with 3 kids come up to you in the Mountainbrook area and introduce herself as tarheelmom hopefully you won't mind! ha!

  6. What part of town do you live in? We live in Calera, and I am sure I will run into you at some point- I will introduce myself... because I feel like I already know you! Also, I need your email address so that I can find out where the playground is that you wrote about a few months ago!

  7. hey =)
    I meet you at the park with Rachael. It was so great to talk with you. Your children are beautiful. Joshua's due date was Sept 14th. I had him on the 9th. Anyway, I wanted to say go for introducing yourself. These days the internet is such a key to meeting people and afterall all relationships start with communication. I know personally if someone came up to me and introduced themselves I would be blessed. God bless!

  8. Hey Lindsey! Lacey got me started on the blog world, partly from sending me links to yours and the whole thing just sounded like a fun way to stay in touch.

    The video of Landon and Olivia and Lillian hearing the news of the new baby was priceless!! They are so precious. I can't believe how much Olivia has grown up!! Where has the time gone??
    Congrats on your pregnancy!! So exciting!!!

  9. I have had the pleasure of this same experience...I was at the vet with my dog (sans Par) and this girl and guy kept looking at me funny...we had just returned back from our 3 month "trip" to Gainesville to deliver our baby. When the vet receptionist said "Hey Liz! Welcome home! How is the baby doing?" it was just what these people needed to say something to me. They timidly said, "Are you Par's mom?" and I said yes--a little shocked. And they said "we were sent the link to your blog many months ago and we have been praying for your son and following his progress--we are so happy he okay now! I was so flattered/humbled by seeing one of our prayer warriors--I was SO HAPPY they said something to me. In an ironic twist, as I pulled in the driveway of the house we moved into just 6 weeks before I left for Gainesville, that same couple was pulling into the driveway across the street. They had never known that we lived across the street from them! They had moved in shortly after we left....small world, huh! Anyway, I say go for it...say hello! Just don't stick around to long...or it may get weird...

  10. I think that it would depend. In some cases I would, others I would not. If I saw a sweet family (like yours) at the park and I was with my kids then yes, I would definitely would. If I just saw that mom at the mall then no, I probably wouldn't.

  11. Aw, Lindsay...I'm flattered. PLEASE don't feel too nervous to approach me. ;)


If you don't have anything nice to say, then, please don't say anything at all! THANKS!