Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is This For Real?!?

I have tentative plans for a girls only weekend in Orange Beach with my sister and friends this weekend. Me, by myself (no kids), not pregnant (key!!)....for 2 nights........

I'm not sure this has ever happened! Though when it came time to move forward with the plans, I started to get a little sad...knowing I'd be leaving my baby Lillian alone for the first time ever. Then nervous knowing I'd be leaving them ALL THREE with Robert for the first time ever. He's never braved Wally world, the mall, or the grocery store with all 3 of them by himself yet. He hasn't needed to. But still. It's different. I'm 100% positive he could handle it. But it can get pretty crazy, really fast.

I think I'm gettin' excited!! :-)


  1. Good for you!! Everyone needs some time away every now and then! Speaking of....can I go too?! =)

  2. HOW FUN!!! You enjoy EVERY minute! You've earned it!

  3. Yes it is real! And I can't wait to see you Friday night!!!!

  4. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am SOOOO happy for you!!!!!!!!!



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